Delivering Our Objectives

Crowd of people

In developing our three new Well-being Objectives we have considered the range of information within the Well-being Assessment and work already in place locally and regionally. We are confident that in achieving these Objectives we can influence a wide range of activities and services across the Vale, make a positive difference to the social, economic, environmental and cultural well-being of residents and visitors, and over the life of the Plan we can maximise our contribution to the National Well-being Goals in accordance with the sustainable development principle.

Our Well-being Objectives and planned activities should be considered in the context of the range of other plans, strategies and collaborative activities taking place in the Vale and the wider region. As detailed in the What You Told Us section  of the Plan we have been talking to different groups, organisations and people of all ages as part of the development of the Plan and these conversations have helped shape our Objectives and the steps we will take to deliver them.

The consultation we undertook on our Well-being Assessment indicated that people felt we have covered the right issues and that it reflected their experiences of the Vale. Our Objectives are naturally broad in scope, but we believe they provide a robust framework for our activities. They reflect the need to respond to the climate and nature emergencies and provide the opportunity to integrate the work of the PSB with the Regional Partnership Board, the City region and other partnership activity. They reflect what people are telling us matters to them, but also our findings in terms of inequities in the Vale exacerbated by the COVID- 19 pandemic, as highlighted in the 2020 Director of Public Health Report for Cardiff and the Vale and which could potentially be further exacerbated by the cost of living crisis. They also provide a flexible framework that will support the PSB’s work and ensure longevity of the Plan across the next five years.

All three Objectives reflect the challenge of the need for action now as well as a more long- term approach requiring behaviour change from organisations and individuals as well as a better understanding of future trends and the impact of our actions and decisions. 

A more resilient and greener Vale
A more active and healthier Vale
A more equitable and connected Vale


These Objectives provide a framework for the PSB and others including aligned partnerships to address the issues facing our residents and ensure that we continue to maximise our contribution to the national well-being goals.

The diagram below illustrates the interconnectivity between our three Well-being Objectives and how different programmes of work and partnership activity will contribute to delivering our Objectives. This diagram has been used as part of our engagement to develop the draft Plan and has emphasised the integration across these activities and the importance of working towards shared outcomes across the Vale and the wider region. It demonstrates how taking focused action in one area of work can have multiple benefits across objectives. A focus on these new Objectives which build on the Well-being Plan 2018-2023 and the PSB’s first set of Objectives will enable us to work together to address the key issues identified in the Well-being Assessment.

The scope of each Objective is detailed below and more information about the various activities and projects that make up the steps that will contribute to the delivery of these Objectives is detailed in the Delivering Our Well-being Objectives section.

PSB Plan Graphic V4 (1)


A more resilient and greener Vale – by understanding and making the changes necessary as individuals, communities and organisations in response to the climate and nature emergencies.

The climate and nature emergencies and the need to work together to change behaviour as individuals, communities and organisations was highlighted in our Well-being Assessment. Work to deliver this Objective will build on the delivery of the Well-being Objective in the Well-being Plan 2018-23 ‘To protect, enhance and value our environment’ and activities will continue to deliver the PSB Climate Emergency Charter . We will continue to lead by example, take positive action, reduce our impact and champion the need for everyone to work as a team to make Wales carbon neutral by 2050.

We will:

  • Reduce our emissions to mitigate the effects of climate change whilst adapting to its impacts
  • Be kinder to our environment
  • Become healthier
  • Become a carbon neutral public sector by 2030

All partners will ensure that their organisational strategies and policies support this Objective which contributes to all of the National Well-being Goals, recognising the link between the environment and the economy and the role of the City region, how closely our environment is linked to our health and well-being and how often it is those in our most deprived communities who feel the impacts of climate change the most. In delivering this Objective we will be looking at new ways of working e.g. procurement, use of technology which can also help reduce the need to travel and help with loneliness and isolation and improving access to services without always needing to travel. This Objective reflects the importance of global responsibility for us as individuals and organisations and the need to understand the impact of the decisions we take.

We will continue to promote opportunities for volunteering linked to the environment, support the development of new skills and jobs linked to the green economy and progress work on the Travel Charter and through Food Vale to encourage behaviour change and for people to ‘think local’ when buying or growing food.

In delivering this Objective we will focus on our environment, but work will also contribute to tackling inequities and deprivation and improving access to services. Work on climate change and in response to the nature emergency provides an opportunity to bring communities together and for people across the generations to work together to influence what we do and how we do it. The environment is part of the culture of the Vale and supports our physical and mental well-being.

More information on why the need to tackle climate change and value and protect our natural environment and resources can be found in the Environment and Transport report within the Well-being Assessment and also within the State of Natural Resource Report (SoNaRR) for Wales 2020 which highlighted the need for change across our transport, food and energy systems.

A more active and healthier Vale – by encouraging and enabling people of all ages to be more active and to promote the benefits of embracing a healthier lifestyle.

Partners will continue to work together to improve the physical, mental and emotional health and well-being of residents. The Well-being Assessment highlighted the links between the environment and our well-being as well as the health inequalities that exist in the Vale. This was also highlighted in the 2020 Director of Public Health Report for Cardiff and the Vale which showed the impact of Covid-19 pandemic on our communities and how it had further exacerbated existing inequities. It is anticipated that these inequities could continue to increase with the current cost of living crisis. 

We know that those living in more disadvantaged areas are less likely to meet physical activity guidelines and that supporting the least active has significantly greater benefits to health and well-being than encourage those already active to do a little more so there will be a focus on where there is the greatest need. There is also a recognition that the cost of living crisis may provide another barrier to being more active.

Work will build on existing arrangements for the Regional Partnership Board and will also be progressed through the Cardiff and Vale Amplifying Prevention Board which is focusing on key public health issues in the region. In addition, work will continue to implement the Move More Eat Well Plan and through Food Vale and the Food Charter. Work to deliver this Objective will also form part of local activities to deliver the Welsh Government Healthy Weight;Healthy Wales Strategy. Work to make the Vale more Age Friendly will also contribute to this Objective as we ensure the Vale is a better place to grow old.

Work to deliver this Objective will progress work that began as part of the delivery of the objectives in the Well-being Plan 2018-23, ‘to reduce poverty and tackle inequalities linked to deprivation’ and ‘to give children the best start in life’. We will work with our schools and youth groups to provide opportunities for children and young people and recognise the importance of the early years and the need to address issues that have arisen through the pandemic. We will also explore how social prescribing can contribute to our improved health and well-being, building on the existing work in the Vale.

Work to achieve this Objective will contribute to a number of the National Well-being Goals and in particular a Healthier Wales and a more Equal Wales.

More information on why this is a key focus for work in the Vale can be found in the Health and Communities Report within the Well-being Assessment.

A more equitable and connected Vale – by tackling the inequities that exist across the Vale, engaging with our communities and providing better opportunities and support to make a lasting difference.

The Well-being Assessment highlighted that there continue to be significant inequities across the Vale. The PSB is committed to tackling these inequities and working with and in our more deprived communities to bring about positive changes. This will require considerable engagement and new ways of working to ensure that we are bringing about the necessary changes to our services and systems. Work to deliver this Objective will build on Objectives in the Well-being Plan 2018-23, ‘to enable people to get involved, participate in their local communities and shape local services’, ‘to reduce poverty and tackle inequalities linked to deprivation’ and ‘to give children the best start in life’. Work will also contribute to a number of the National Well-being Goals including, a prosperous Wales, a healthier Wales, a more equal Wales, a Wales of cohesive communities and a Wales of vibrant culture and thriving Welsh language.

More information about why this is an important focus for the PSB is detailed in the Education and Economy Report and the Health and Communities Report within the Well-being Assessment.

In order to achieve this Objective we will work with our communities, build relationships and use existing services (such as Flying Start, food poverty projects and community groups) to identify how we can make a difference and take long term and preventative action to tackle the inequities that exist. There will be a focus on the immediate cost of living crisis and what we need to do now but also how we build resilience for the future and address deeply entrenched deprivation and its impacts. In delivering this Objective we will also consider what culture means to people across the Vale, the diversity across our communities and the importance of the Welsh language.

Work that will contribute to this Objective includes work around digital inclusion e.g. through Get the Vale online , encouraging volunteering e.g. through Glamorgan Voluntary Services (GVS) and also through the PSB project Value in the Vale. Further engagement and mapping work is being undertaken to help identify issues and solutions and we will continue to build on work around food poverty including the Llantwit Major Food Access Project. In addition the work of the Cardiff Capital Region will be a key contributor to providing employment opportunities and skills development together with for example the work of local employability teams and Cardiff and Vale college. Our Community Safety Partnership, Safer Vale will also be a significant contributor to this Objective.


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Delivering our Well-being Objectives

As described throughout this Plan the range of activity undertaken by and aligned to the PSB is hugely varied. To deliver out three Well-being Objectives and address the key priorities emerging from the Well-being Assessment we will build on a range of work already underway, building in more momentum where needed and ensuring that projects and services adapt and change as necessary to meet our Objectives.

In addition, we have identified three priority workstreams where particular focus is needed, these reflect the findings of our Well-being Assessment and engagement and consultation on the Plan highlighted support for work in these areas.

  • Responding to the climate and nature emergencies
  • Working with the people who live in our communities that experience the highest levels of deprivation
  • Becoming Age Friendly

We have agreed 19 steps which collectively will help us to deliver our Well-being Objectives and enhance the working and impact of the PSB. These are detailed below and cut across a number of projects and services.  These steps provide a framework for the wide range of activity that partners will deliver over the lifetime of the Plan. Each year as part of the annual reporting process the PSB will set out some of the key deliverables for the year ahead.

  1. Develop a better understanding of and respond to the diverse needs of our communities, including those living in more rural or more deprived areas, to ensure that services and facilities are accessible in terms of design, transport, affordability and technology and are available when people need them to prevent needs escalating.
  2. Support the third sector and promote volunteering opportunities recognising the multiple benefits for individuals and our communities.
  3. Increase the use of local, regional and national data and take a more evidence-based approach to inform decision-making and service reform across the work of the PSB including the development of the PSB evidence base.
  4. Utilise models such as the 3H model to support longer term thinking and system change across the activities detailed in the Well-being Plan.
  5. Increase levels of engagement and involvement at all ages, particularly with those who may be disengaged and those who may be seldom heard, including through cultural activities.
  6. Maximise opportunities to access funding and align activities to increase capacity, skills and resource to deliver priorities within Vale and the wider region.
  7. Engage with and involve our children and young people to better understand their concerns and aspirations for the future and ensure that services reflect their views and needs.
  8. Promote positive behaviour changes and enable a greater understanding of our impact on the environment across our organisations and communities with a focus on energy, the circular economy, food, biodiversity and travel.
  9. Deliver the commitments in the Climate Emergency Charter including decarbonising our assets, procurement processes and services.
  10. Demonstrate leadership and take action to reduce our communities’ exposure to environmental risks e.g. the impact of extreme weather and pollution.
  11. Improve the health of our eco systems and recognise the importance of biodiversity and the need to raise awareness and understanding about the nature emergency.
  12. Participate in a more integrated approach to the public sector  estate (buildings and land holdings) to improve service delivery and our work on climate change and nature.
  13. Improve health and well-being across the Vale with a particular focus on prevention and levels of physical activity, diet, vaccine take up and screening.
  14. Tackle health inequities as part of an integrated and collaborative programme of work, ensuring greater engagement and a more targeted preventative approach to reach those most in need.
  15. Work in partnership to make the Vale more Age Friendly, ensuring older people have access to the right services, support and opportunities locally and are able to engage and participate in activities and events, influence service design and improve well-being.
  16. Provide information and support to assist our communities and our staff to deal with the impacts of the costs of living e.g. rising food, energy and travel costs.
  17. Maximise opportunities through existing programmes of work and funding streams to address inequities and improve opportunities for those living in areas of deprivation e.g. Flying Start and employability and training programmes.
  18. Engage with the community and map assets to better understand our most deprived communities and involve the people who live there and local organisations to identify opportunities for change and improvement.
  19. Support work to tackle food poverty recognising and raising awareness about the close links to environmental well-being and health.

More information is provided about the following areas of work which will be a key focus for the PSB:



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