In developing our three new Well-being Objectives we have considered the range of information within the Well-being Assessment and work already in place locally and regionally. We are confident that in achieving these Objectives we can influence a wide range of activities and services across the Vale, make a positive difference to the social, economic, environmental and cultural well-being of residents and visitors, and over the life of the Plan we can maximise our contribution to the National Well-being Goals in accordance with the sustainable development principle.
Our Well-being Objectives and planned activities should be considered in the context of the range of other plans, strategies and collaborative activities taking place in the Vale and the wider region. As detailed in the What You Told Us section of the Plan we have been talking to different groups, organisations and people of all ages as part of the development of the Plan and these conversations have helped shape our Objectives and the steps we will take to deliver them.
The consultation we undertook on our Well-being Assessment indicated that people felt we have covered the right issues and that it reflected their experiences of the Vale. Our Objectives are naturally broad in scope, but we believe they provide a robust framework for our activities. They reflect the need to respond to the climate and nature emergencies and provide the opportunity to integrate the work of the PSB with the Regional Partnership Board, the City region and other partnership activity. They reflect what people are telling us matters to them, but also our findings in terms of inequities in the Vale exacerbated by the COVID- 19 pandemic, as highlighted in the 2020 Director of Public Health Report for Cardiff and the Vale and which could potentially be further exacerbated by the cost of living crisis. They also provide a flexible framework that will support the PSB’s work and ensure longevity of the Plan across the next five years.
All three Objectives reflect the challenge of the need for action now as well as a more long- term approach requiring behaviour change from organisations and individuals as well as a better understanding of future trends and the impact of our actions and decisions.
A more resilient and greener Vale
A more active and healthier Vale
A more equitable and connected Vale
These Objectives provide a framework for the PSB and others including aligned partnerships to address the issues facing our residents and ensure that we continue to maximise our contribution to the national well-being goals.
The diagram below illustrates the interconnectivity between our three Well-being Objectives and how different programmes of work and partnership activity will contribute to delivering our Objectives. This diagram has been used as part of our engagement to develop the draft Plan and has emphasised the integration across these activities and the importance of working towards shared outcomes across the Vale and the wider region. It demonstrates how taking focused action in one area of work can have multiple benefits across objectives. A focus on these new Objectives which build on the Well-being Plan 2018-2023 and the PSB’s first set of Objectives will enable us to work together to address the key issues identified in the Well-being Assessment.
The scope of each Objective is detailed below and more information about the various activities and projects that make up the steps that will contribute to the delivery of these Objectives is detailed in the Delivering Our Well-being Objectives section.