One of the questions frequently asked by stakeholders and Scrutiny Committees is what difference has the PSB made? What does it do? We believe a key role for the PSB is to add value/to make a difference and to facilitate and influence the work of others, to champion the five ways of working and to ensure that across our organisations and networks we are delivering for our communities. Partners are committed to improving economic, environmental, social and cultural well-being across the Vale and work to date is detailed in a series of Annual Reports published by the PSB which demonstrate how we have embedded the five ways of working and are contributing to the national well-being goals.
Five Ways of Working - The five ways of working remain integral to the work of the PSB but we recognise that how we work must continue to evolve. In delivering our Objectives we will continue to embed the five ways of working and challenge others to ensure they are also embracing these ways of working. In particular we are keen to strengthen our work around prevention and meeting long-term needs.

Working with our Communities - We will continue to work with local communities and our children and young people, utilising the skills and forums in place across our organisations to facilitate this work and developing new approaches to ensure we reach those of all ages who may be less engaged or who may be seldom heard. We recognise the work we need to undertake within our more deprived communities will require significant engagement and the involvement of those communities. We also recognise that the changes needed in the face of the climate and nature emergencies requires a community conversation. We will embed a culture of meaningful engagement with communities and other stakeholders across the work of the PSB and this will also help shape how we can involve the community and other stakeholders more in our work. We are particularly keen to build on the work already underway to work more closely with Town and Community Councils.

Evidence Based Working - As detailed earlier in the Plan we will strengthen our evidence base to ensure we have robust local, regional and national data and intelligence to inform our activities and to assist with monitoring progress. It is critical that we develop our insight through the use of data and engagement and have an evidence based approach to our activities. In particular we will undertake work to better understand what steps can be taken to enhance work around cultural well-being.
Resources - A key aspect to how the PSB works are the resources available to support partnership activities and to enable the PSB to deliver its commitments and priorities. The PSB relies on colleagues across partner organisations to take forward the work of the PSB from within their existing resources. To date the PSB has utilised the annual grant from Welsh Government to assist in the development of the PSB e.g. the PSB evidence base and engagement activity. In 2020/21 Natural Resources Wales (NRW) made £25k funding available to PSBs, in the Vale this was used for a range of projects including a garden project, tree planting, support for Food Vale and an outdoor education centre in a community garden in Barry. In addition, the PSB has made use of early years and prevention funding from Public Health Wales to take forward work on volunteering and timebanking and is utilising the funding from Welsh Government to support Age Friendly work. Partners will continue to maximise opportunities to utilise grant funding to progress PSB priorities and to consider how we can maximise skills, experience and development opportunities to progress PSB activities.
Regional Working – The PSB continues to work with Cardiff PSB and the Cardiff and Vale Regional Partnership Board. This has the benefit of aligning activities across the region, maximising resources and capacity across our organisations and sharing expertise and learning. As part of the development of the Well-being Plan there have been a number of workshops to consider priorities and governance arrangements and this joint approach will continue as we take forward the priorities in the Well-being Plan, a number of which are common across Cardiff and the Vale and regional arrangements are already in place e.g. the new Amplifying Prevention Board focussing on public health priorities. We also recognise the reach and influence of the Cardiff Capital Region and the importance of Vale priorities forming part of that agenda in particular concerns around transport and employment and transition to a carbon neutral economy and society. The new Corporate Joint Committee will also provide further opportunity for collaborative work to progress PSB priorities.

Futures Planning - In developing this Plan the PSB welcomed the offer and expertise from colleagues in Natural Resources Wales to facilitate a 3 Horizons workshop to develop our thinking and embed the need for futures thinking in our work. The Three Horizons (3H model) is widely promoted by Welsh Government and the Future Generations Office to help public bodies think, and better plan for uncertain future(s). The 3 Horizons model is a simple framework to help people have an effective conversation about what’s happening today, the future we want to create together, and the kinds of innovations that exist to help get us there. PSB partners are keen to utilise the 3H model further to enhance the working of the PSB with a view on how we can make a difference across our Objectives and deliver our outcomes.
The Delivering Our Well-being Objectives section details the steps we will take to deliver our Well-being Objectives and this includes a number of actions about how the PSB works. These include:
- Develop a better understanding of and respond to the diverse needs of our communities, including those living in more rural or more deprived areas, to ensure that services and facilities are accessible in terms of design, transport, affordability and technology and are available when people need them to prevent needs escalating.
- Support the third sector and promote volunteering opportunities recognising the multiple benefits for individuals and our communities.
- Increase the use of local, regional and national data and take a more evidence-based approach to inform decision-making and service reform across the work of the PSB including the development of the PSB evidence base
- Utilise models such as the 3H model to support longer term thinking and system change across the activities detailed in the Well-being Plan.
- Increase levels of engagement and involvement at all ages, particularly with those who may be disengaged and those who may be seldom heard, including through cultural activities.
- Maximise opportunities to access funding and align activities to increase capacity, skills and resource to deliver priorities within Vale and the wider region.
- Engage with and involve our children and young people to better understand their concerns and aspirations for the future and ensure that services reflect their views and needs.
- Participate in a more integrated approach to the public sector estate (buildings and land holdings) to improve service delivery and our work on climate change and nature.
- Work in partnership to make the Vale more Age Friendly, ensuring older people have access to the right services, support and opportunities locally and are able to engage and participate in activities and events, influence service design and improve well-being.